ASA Awards
Each year, the Augustana Students' Association invites Augustana students, Faculty, and Staff to nominate individuals and clubs to honour their dedication to campus and community at the annual Leadership Awards Night.
ASA Leadership Awards
Betty Ostenrud Award - Faculty
The Betty Ostenrud award for Faculty is given each year to recognize one of our outstanding Faculty (academic) members for attributes such as: outstanding dedication, service to school and community, and personal contributions (time and effort) to the students of Augustana.
Betty Ostenrud Award - Staff
The Betty Ostenrud award for Staff is given each year to recognize one of our outstanding non-academic Staff members for attributes such as: outstanding dedication, service to school and community, and personal contributions (time and effort) to the students of Augustana.
Heather Huber Memorial Award
The Heather Huber Memorial Award will be given each year to recognize one outstanding student for leadership. These attributes include, but are not limited to, being upstanding members of the Augustana Students’ Association, playing a large role with the ASA through its Clubs, Committees and Councils or other leadership roles in the Augustana community like Fina Arts or Athletics. Additional consideration and preference for the Heather Huber Memorial Award is typically given to those students that: - have 3rd or 4th year member status - are set to graduate this year
Leadership Award Nominations
Using the nomination form listed below answer several questions including:
Nominee Name
Award being nominated
Reason for nomination
Nominators are welcome to submit nominations in as many categories as they would like.
ASA Club Awards
Best New Club
Given to a club with ½ or 1st year status that has made a visible impact as evidenced by events and student engagement.
Most Improved Club
Given to a club that has demonstrated marked improvement from one year to the next. This improvement can include, but is not limited to, club memberships, attendance of events, student engagement, and frequency of events/meetings throughout the year.
Best Overall Club
Given to a club that has 2nd year (or greater) status and a large presence on campus. The club should be recognizable as having led events and engaged a large number of students, providing a great impact on the campus community.
Club Award Nominations
Using the nomination form listed below answer several questions including:
Club Name
Award being nominated
Reason for nomination
Nominators are welcome to submit nominations in as many categories as they would like.
ASA Student Recognition Awards
This award recognizes students who have demonstrated initiative and/or been involved in the Augustana community as a whole. It is for students who are involved in bettering the student life of their peers, working towards a better campus, or the greater UofA community through Augustana. The Augustana Students’ Association deeply values and appreciates the involvement of students in all aspects of campus and scholarly life and this award is aimed to showcase and recognize these students. The award is funded by the ASA, by students, for students.​
Student Recognition Award Nominations
The ASA Student Recognition Award may be self-nomination.
Nominees must:
be enrolled in Augustana as a full-time student (min 24 credits for the fall/winter academic year) at the time of application
demonstrate current involvement in the Augustana community, with consideration of past involvement. Involvement as defined by contributing to the Augustana community in one or more of the following areas: extracurricular, athletics, scholarly, other
be in good academic standing, as defined as having a minimum 2.5 overall GPA and a minimum 2.7 GPA in the previous two academic semesters, demonstrating academic growth
Using the nomination form listed below, write and submit a short essay, 500-1000 words, describing involvement in the Augustana community, how this has contributed and impacted the community, and how nominee has grown as an individual and a member of the community.
Each nominator may only submit one nomination